For centuries, the Shoguns ruled over a relatively isolated feudal society. Prince Iyesato Tokugawa aka Prince Tokugawa Iesato was to become the next shogun, but when that dynasty ended, he instead creatively guided an emerging Japan onto a modern, interconnected world stage.
Description of the book cover photo:
Prince Iyesato Tokugawa (aka Prince Tokugawa Iesato) receives an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from the University of Southern California (USC). Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid President of the university bestows this degree.
This presentation took place during a special luncheon given March 19th, 1934 in Los Angeles that was hosted by George I. Cochran, President of the Board of Trustees of USC. Prince Iyesato Tokugawa was accompanied by his son Iyemasa, the newly appointed Minister to Canada.
Left to right in photo: Prince Iyesato Tokugawa; Iyemasa Tokugawa; George I. Cochran; Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid.
The Los Angeles Times stated that this honorary degree was given to Prince Iyesato Tokugawa:
“In recognition of distinguished service in international statesmanship,” and for his “support of many philanthropic and educational movements.”
In accepting the honor, Tokugawa respectfully said,
“He wished to receive this honor in the name of the Japanese people as a whole rather than as a personal distinction.”
The Los Angeles Times also stated that a banquet dinner was to be hosted by the Japan-America Society of Los Angeles, to honor Prince Tokugawa’s visit. The Governor of California James Rolph and the former Mayor of Los Angeles John C. Porter planned to attend.
The people that we choose to honor shape and inspire our future.
Prince Iyesato Tokugawa (1863-1940) was a Renaissance man, combined with being an adept diplomat and politician, who shared his passion for the arts, music, science, and nature to create cultural and political bridges between the East and the West, while also promoting mutual respect within Asia. He would make a fine role model for our current leaders, dealing with the urgent issues of today that require international cooperative efforts to solve.
A man ahead of his time, Prince Tokugawa supported higher education and a greater voice for women in public affairs, and despite his powerful influence, he maintained his humility, often working behind the scenes, remaining unrecognized for many of his significant achievements, until now.
Portrait photo during the international 1921–22 Washington Naval Arms (Limitation) Conference held in the U.S. capital, where Prince Tokugawa Iesato headed the Japanese delegation.
Born in Japan during the time of the American Civil War, young Iyesato came to deeply respect the ideals that President Lincoln represented. During the 1920’s, in his pursuit of peace and human equality, Tokugawa sponsored essay contests in all of Japan’s public schools and universities, with awards presented to the students whose essays best expressed the noble values of Abraham Lincoln.
In the two decades prior to WWII, Prince Tokugawa heroically stood up against the spread of fascism and utilized his position as president of the Japanese Red Cross in 1934, to create Safe Zones in worn-torn China, in cities such as Shanghai. These sanctuaries would help the save the lives of over a half-million Chinese civilians, and tens of thousands of Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust in Europe.
Unlike the traumatic years of World War II, which have been thoroughly examined, the four decades preceding that conflict have received far less scrutiny and remain largely a mystery in terms of Japan-U.S. relations. In the process of rapidly rebuilding a strong alliance between the U.S. and Japan following that war, there has been a tendency not to dwell on the events leading up to that conflict. However, the more I discovered about this remarkable individual, the more certain I felt that people would want to know this unsung hero. To narrate Prince Tokugawa’s life requires some details about his shogun heritage, the historic events of his time, and the prominent people with whom he engaged. This biography serves as a time-capsule/almost a museum containing hundreds of captivating illustrations.
This project started twenty years ago, when as the proprietor of antiquarian bookstore, I quite serendipitously acquired the personal letters, official documents, and photo collection of a U.S. military intelligence agent Colonel Sidney Forrester Mashbir, whom Prince Tokugawa befriended during the 1920s and ‘30s. Colonel Mashbir so respected Prince Tokugawa, that he shared the Prince’s impassioned efforts to curtail the bellicose rhetoric and actions on both sides of the Pacific that threatened to undermine the productive relationship between their two nations.
My curiosity, sparked by this fascinating trove of long forgotten and almost lost historical materials, led to further exploration. Amazingly, I couldn’t find any published books in English that revealed Prince Tokugawa having had such historical significance. However, the revelations in Colonel Mashbir’s letters and documents were astounding. This highly placed intelligence agent stated:
– Prince Tokugawa was the “true hidden power behind the Imperial Throne,” and that based on Tokugawa’s great political influence, had the Prince not passed away in 1940, he would have in all likelihood been able to convince his countrymen to instead enter the war on behalf of the Allies.
This inspiring true story first led to the writing of an historical novel The Emperor and the Spy, which honored the adventurous career of Colonel Mashbir and his friendship with many leaders of Japan, including members of the Japanese Royal Family. Readers of this novel requested more information about the impressive individuals and the historical events depicted in the novel, leading to a nonfictional sequel, The Art of Peace.
So the quest began: extensive research revealed Prince Tokugawa celebrated life and personally engaged with many of the most influential and colorful people of his time: including the world famous aviator Charles Lindbergh and his wife Anne, the newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst, and others in the Hollywood film industry. During his long diplomatic career, Iyesato befriended a half dozen U.S. presidents, including Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft, as well as many other world leaders, with the goal of encouraging amity and understanding with Japan.
It was also surprising to find out that Iyesato had taken a pivotal role in the initial Japanese gifting of cherry blossom trees to the U.S. in 1910 and 1912 and then guided that token of international friendship into becoming the National Cherry Blossom Festival, a joyous event celebrated annually in Washington, D.C., sharing an appreciation for the beauty of nature, while promoting the strong cordial U.S. – Japan relations.
This story has a strong relevance for today – Our time cries out for greater cooperation between nations and a deeper compassion for the value of human life & respect for human dignity. These priorities are what Prince Tokugawa stood for – Tokugawa’s fascinating and integral role in history will inspire students, the general public, and government leaders – The Art of Peace is initially offered to a Western audience and in the future be translated for the Japanese public.
Praise for The Art of Peace
“Your new biography is the perfect follow on to your historical novel The Emperor and the Spy about Colonel Mashbir, a superlative history that was a fun read, yet it was also eye opening to the story behind the scenes in that critical time of history between the west and Japan. Here in this biography is all that anyone who is a serious student of conflict and history of Japan could possibly want. The illustrated version of pure history makes this biography as fun to read as a novel. I enjoyed every chapter and loved the way you ended the book with President Obama’s and Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s speeches – Those words are exactly how all our minds should work in building relationships between peoples that are of different cultures. I am richer in knowledge about all the amazing heretofore unknown to me heroes that you portrayed, especially Prince Tokugawa.
Paul Ringwood U.S. Navy Commander (retired)
“I am very pleased to learn that you have now published The Emperor and the Spy – I have learned a lot about Colonel Mashbir and his real friendship with Prince Tokugawa which was a pleasant surprise for me.” “I wish you all the best & best of luck on your new book on ‘’Tokugawa Iesato.”
Kazuo Kodama, former Ambassador of Japan to the United Nations / current Ambassador of Japan to the European Union
“The importance of preventing war is rarely given recognition through literature and in accounts of history. It can be every bit as exciting as glorified accounts of war and certainly a better approach.”
Professor Claire Langham, former President of the East-West Center of Southern California which promotes positive relations among the people and nations of the United States, Asia, and the Pacific through cooperative study, research, and dialogue.
“This is a really interesting and understudied topic.”
Professor Benjamin Uchiyama, Ph.D. History, University of Southern California
“We appreciate your kindness and all the work you have done to promote understanding of Shibusawa Eiichi and US-Japan relations as a whole. I wish you all the best in your current and future endeavors. With gratitude,”
Toru Shigehara: Head Librarian/Information Resources Center – Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation and Museum
On June 22nd, 2016 a Japanese diplomatic/educational event took place representing the Office of the Prime Minister of Japan. This gathering was hosted by the San Diego Chapter of the World Affairs Councils of America and took place at the Joan Kroc Peace and Justice Institute on the campus of the University of San Diego – Katz was invited to do a book signing at this event of the The Emperor and the Spy – An inscribed copy was given to Kenko Sone, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Director of Global Communications, to be gifted to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, when Sone returned to Japan. Below is a message from Kenko Sone:
“To Mr. Stan S. Katz,
Thank you for having interest in Japanese History.
Looking forward to your new book about Prince Tokugawa Iesato as well!”
Kenko Sone
“We look forward to adding The Art of Peace to the School’s library collection. Your goal to reach high school and college students with this information is an ambitious – but important – goal.
Best wishes with your project.”
Suzette Heiman, Director of Planning and Communications
The Missouri School of Journalism at University of Missouri [The first school of Journalism established in the U.S.]
The Art of Peace is Dedicated to these organizations
Rotary International, promotes good will projects in local communities and internationally – Their motto: “Service Above Self.”
Prince Tokugawa was an Honorary Member of the Tokyo Rotary Chapter.
World Affairs Councils of America, a national, non-partisan, educational/political affairs organization whose objective is better international cooperation and understanding.
The author of this biography is an active member of the San Diego World Affairs Council, which is a chapter of the national organization.
America-Japan Society, headquartered in Tokyo, celebrated its 100th Year Anniversary in 2017. Prince Tokugawa served as its second President from 1924 up until his passing in 1940.
The America-Japan Society promotes peace and stability for Japan-U.S. relations, as well as for the world. Their activities encourage educational and cultural exchange.
Japan Society, located in New York City, has a long history of supporting good relations between U.S. and Japan.
Prince Tokugawa was a Life Member of the Japan Society and was their guest of honor at their 1934 Annual Dinner Celebration.
Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation / Museum commemorate the legacy of Baron Shibusawa. Shibusawa, who was one of Prince Tokugawa’s closest friends and allies in the pursuit of international goodwill. Started over 120 years ago, the organization is based in Asukayama Park in Oji, Tokyo, on the site of the former Shibusawa residence.
National Association of Japan-America Societies (NAJAS), a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization that offers educational, cultural, and business programs to the general public about Japan & U.S./Japan relations. Its independent member Japan and Japan-America Societies are located in 32 cities thru-out the U.S. – Their mission is to strengthen cooperation and understanding between Japan and the U.S.
Table of Contents
1 A Dynasty Comes to an End
2 In Defense of Democracy, Japan Joins the Allies in World War I
3 The Washington Naval Arms (Limitation) Conference 1921-22
4 Advocate of Human Rights
5 Bridging Nations through their Love of Children, the Visual Arts, and Music
6 Democracy is built upon a Worldly Education and Freedom of the Press
7 Friendship and Alliance with Baron Shibusawa / Support of Armenians
8 Rotary International’s Silver Anniversary Convention Honors Prince Tokugawa as a Symbol of Peace
9 A Japanese Royal Wedding Turns into a Worldwide Goodwill Tour
10 The Great Depression Requires International Cooperation
11 The Garden Club of America Is Invited to Japan
12 Japan’s Gifting of Cherry Blossom Trees to the U.S.
13 Gala Events, Honoring Adventurous Heroes, and Promoting a Love of Baseball
14 Averting War: The Alliance with U.S. Ambassador Joseph Grew
15 The Power behind the Imperial Throne & the Mentorship of Crown Prince Hirohito
16 Courage in the Face of Death
17 Saving Chinese civilians and Jewish European refugees; also giving Aid to Ethiopians
18 Prince Tokugawa’s Legacy Lives On
Credit for the Illustrations
Hundreds of diverse historical documents were gathered over two decades, from antique and photo archive dealers from around the world. They include: personal letters, official documents, Japanese scrolls, artwork, invitations to international diplomatic events, vintage postcards, older magazines, pamphlets, newspapers and press photos, as well as other historical materials – They are often rare or one-of-a-kind, and are called ephemera because of their age and fragile nature, they have a tendency to crumble or be thrown away – disappearing in the sands of time. One benefit of today’s digital age is that it takes only the scanning of one surviving copy to again bring life to significant individuals and events from the past.
Hope you enjoy!
For reference, below is the INDEX for the digital edition.
Note: When the letter ‘n’ follows page numbers and has a number after it – that tells you that that topic is presented within a chapter note with that number.
AAS (American Antiquarian Society), 223
Abe, Shinzo, 580, 587–88, 600–605n25
Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Medal, 116
academic medals to Japanese students, 115
Academic WorldQuest™ (AWQ), 594n13
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 166
ACJ (American Center Japan), 484n3
Adachi, Mineichirō, 64n11, 591n5
Adrenalin®, 216n5
Aesthetic Dancers, 377
Akihito (Emperor of Japan), 269, 474, 478, 566, 568
Akihito (Empress of Japan), 566
Akitake Tokugawa Delegation, 186
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 189–191
Alger, Mrs. Russell A., 351n6
Alice in Asia The 1905 Taft Mission to Asia As told in Crowded Hours Reminiscences of Alice Roosevelt Longworth (exhibition), 37, 359, 381n3
Alice Roosevelt Longworth Collection, 382n3
Allenby, Edmund Field Marshal, 447-448
Military commander during WWI of Lawrence of Arabia
host to Crown Prince Hirohito in 1921
Allies, 21–22, 39–57, 101n3, 471
Amau, Mrs. Eiji, 341n4, 346n5
Ambrose, Edna, 351n6
America-Japan Society (AJS)
academic medals given to Japanese students, 115
American All-Stars luncheon, 406
continued today, 580
dinner honoring Garden Club, 319
Fiftieth Anniversary of Grant’s death, 114
Garden Club of America (GCA) visit, 314–356
honoring Montgomery Taylor, 421
Lincoln essay contest, 115–120
mission statement, 420n2
origins of, 595n14
Special Bulletin with Tokuda’s essay, 118
stone lantern gift, 174–180
American All-Star Baseball Team, 32, 405–7
American Antiquarian Society (AAS), 223
American Center Japan (ACJ), 484n3
American Hebrew and Jewish Messenger (journal), 511–15, 550–54n8
American Legation, 135n1, 483n3
American Minister to Japan, Harris, 184
American Pictorial (magazine), 67, 75–77
American pragmatism and Chinese modernization Importing the Missouri model of journalism education to modern China (Volz and Lee), 181n3
American Red Cross, 546n1
American School in Tokyo, 422
American Sports Congress, 173
American Stock Exchange, 31, 370
American Union Bank, 272
American Youth Hostel, 173
Anesaki, Masaharu, 162n5
Anglo-Japanese exposition. See Japanese-British Exhibition
Anti-Comintern Pact, 434
anti-Semitism, 508, 521, 537–39
Aoki, Setsuichi, 163n5, 343n4, 345n5, 589n1
Aoyama Funeral Hall, 498
Aoyama Gakuin University, 115
Arai, Gyoji, 344n5
Arai, Mrs. Ryoichiro, 342n4, 345n5
Arai, Mrs. Yoneo, 341n4, 345n5
Araki, Sadao, 311n8
Arc de Triomphe, 451
Arlington National Cemetery, 267, 296
Armenian genocide, 204–7, 217n8
Armenian Relief Committee of Japan, 206–7, 217n8
Armenian Weekly (magazine), 204–7, 217n8, 218n9
arms limitation treaty, 509
arms race, 67
. See also Washington Naval Conference (1921-22)
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 359, 382n3
Asabuki, Tsunekichi, 346n5
Asahi (newspaper), 59n5, 189, 386n14, 388n16
Asano, Jinshichi, 342n4
Asano, Ryozo, 162n5, 343n4
Asayama, Tominosuke, 344n5, 218n10
Ashbury Park Press (newspaper), 312n10
Ashino, Kimiko, 341n4, 347n5
Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. James M., 352n6
assassination attempt, against Yuasa, 502
Associated Chambers of Commerce of the Pacific Coast, 189
Austin, Mrs. J. Alex, 350n6
Avenue des Champs-Élysées, 451
Awa Maru, S.S., 374
Axis Power allies, 435
Babbitt, Sarah Carter, 350n6
Babkenian, Vicken, 218n10
Bacon, Augustus Octavius, 29, 30, 372
Bakumatsu Osaka Castle, 18n1
Baldwin, Mrs. Karl, 87
Balfour, Arthur James, 80, 89
Ballantine, Joseph W., 137
Baltimore News-Post (newspaper), 429
Bank of Japan, 497, 505n2
bank runs, during Great Depression, 272
Barger, Edna, 351n6
Barnes, Mrs. John S., 353n6
Barreras Jr., Antonio, 97
baseball, 32, 405–7
Baseball Hall of Fame, 407
Bates, Frances C., 353n6
Battle of Tsushima Strait (1905), 24
Bedford Garden Club, Bedford Hills, NY, 349n6
Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus, 354n8
Benes, Eduard, 62n7
benevolence (jewel regalia), 486
Bennett, Richard B., 62n7
Besange, Robert Jacquinot de, 521–22
Betty (daughter of Joseph W. Ballantine), 137
Bickel, Karl, 279
Big Nine (chief delegates), 79
Billy, Robert de, 591n5
birthday anniversary of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, 464
Bismarck, Otto von 12 Black Tuesday, 12
Black Tuesday, 272
Blood Brotherhood of Japan, 501
Boardman, Mabel T., 546n1
Boardman, Mrs. William J., 546n1
Board of Tourist Industry, 408
Bohr, Nils, 468, 484n4
Bolshevik Revolution, 74, 101n3
Bone, Scott C., 306n6
Borah, William, 274
Borden, Robert, 89
Bovard, Mrs. Oliver K., 352n6
Boyd, Lizzie E., 350n6
Brandegee, Frank B., 30, 372
Briand, Aristide, 80, 89, 546n1
Brooke, John M., 18n2, 20
Brookings, Robert S., 61n7
Brooks, Brian, 177–78
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E., 351n6
Bruce, S. M., 306n6
Buat, Edmond, 546n1
Buchanan, James, 19
Buckingham Palace, 447
Buffalo Commercial (newspaper), 103n8
Buffalo Times (newspaper), 103n9
Bulkley, Jonathan, 352n6
Bulkley, Mrs. Jonathan, 318, 320, 348n6, 352n6
Buma, Mrs. Kyoichi, 328, 347n5
Bunker, Frank F., 306n6
Burleson, Albert S., 30, 372
Burlington Free Press (newspaper), 270n1
Burnett, Charles, 119, 456, 458
Burnham, David, 350n6
Burnham, Mrs. Claude G., 350n6
Bush, Laura, 393n21
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 62n7, 167, 255–58
Cabell, Mrs. Henry F., 352n6
Caldwell, Barbara, 379
calligraphy, 16, 210
Canada/Japan relations, 592n8
canned interviews, 34, 371, 386n15
Cannon, Joseph Gurney, 30, 372
Carlos and Malú Alvarez Academic WorldQuest National Competition, 594n13
Carmody, Dr. and Mrs. John, 354n8
Carnegie, Andrew, 33
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 33, 61n7, 257, 258, 372
Carnegie Institute, 33, 372
Carnegie Steel Corporation, 258
Carnegie Steel Mills, 33, 372
Carnets magazine, 248n2
Carpenter, Fred W., 58n2, 381n2
Carter, Thomas H., 30, 372
caste system, 121
Catonsville Garden Club, MD, 349n6
Cattler, M. Felician, 546n1
Century Publishing, NY, 221
Chamberlain to the Imperial Court, Tokugawa, 440
cherry blossoms
gift of trees, 32, 200, 334, 357–379, 392n21, 583
historical/cultural overview, 380n1
viewing party, 130
Washington, D.C., 261, 374
Chestnut Hill Garden Club, MA, 349n6
“Chicago–1930” (Marvin), 244, 248n2
Chicago Stadium, 242
Chicago Tribune (newspaper), 386n15
Chicago World’s Fair, 312n11, 404
Chichibu (prince), 444
Chichibu Maru, M.S., 315
Chida, Hiroshi, 109
children’s orphanages, 133
Chikako, Kazu-no-Miya, wife of Shogun Iemochi, 6
Chilton, Mrs. William E., 350n6
Chinda, Iwa, 374, 392n21
Chinda, Sutemi, 200, 203, 217n6, 374
Chinese-American citizens, 25
Chinese civilians, 508, 542–44
Chinese delegation, 89
Cho, Tsugiyoshi, 484n5
Choate, Joseph H., 61n7
Choate, Mabel, 348n6, 350n6
Chrysanthemum flower, 486
Cincinnati Garden Club, OH, 349n6
civil war, in Japan, 410
Civil War, U.S., 25, 104, 107–8, 116
Clark, E. Warren, 13–15, 20n4
Claudel, Paul, 274
Clear, W. J., 458
Cleveland Garden Club, OH, 349n6
Clinton, Hillary, 392n21
Cochran, George Ira, 165, 181n1, 571
Coe, Mrs. Henry E., 349n6
Cohasset Garden Club, MA, 349n6
Cold War, 436
colonialism, 23, 74, 125, 221
Columbia Broadcasting System, 62n7
Columbia University, 167, 257
Committee for the Advancement of the Negro Race (1906), 220
Committee on World Friendship Among Children, 138
communism, 250, 414, 443–46, 470
Congress Hall by Night, Japan-British Exhibition, 37
Connecticut Valley Garden Club, 349n6
Constitution (1889), 21
Continental Hall, 78
Coolidge, Calvin, 87, 273, 274, 306n6
Coolidge, Mrs. Calvin, 546n1
Coolidge, Mrs. Harold J., 351n6
cornerstone laying dedication ceremony, 422
Cornig, Mrs. Erastus, 354n8
Costin, Alex, 548n6
Country Life magazine, 249
Court of Progress, Japan-British Exhibition, 35
Craig, Malin, 268
Crane, Mrs. Carey, 341n4
Crane, Mrs. W. C., 346n5
Cross, Mary R., 348n6, 351n6
Cummings, Hugh S., 286
Curley, James Michael, 263
Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd., 216n5
daimyo lords, 3
Dai Nihonshi (history book started by Mitsukuni), 598n19
Dan, Baroness Ino, 341n4, 346n5
Dan, Ino, 162n5, 343n4, 344n5, 345n5
Dan, Takuma, 490, 496, 499, 501, 505n2
dan system, 409
Darby, William L., 141, 160n2
Darrach, Mrs. William, 348n6, 350n6
Daughters of the American Revolution Memorial Hall, 73
Davis, Mrs. Livingston, 349n6
Davison, Henry P., 53, 54
Davison, Marion M., 337n3
Davison, Mrs. Chesebrough, 351n6
Dayton Garden Club, OH, 349n6
Deacon, Richard, 495
death threats and assassinations, 493–503, 505n2
Debuchi, Katsuji, 259–261, 274, 275, 426, 463–65
Debuchi, Mrs. Katsuji, 259, 261, 346n5
Debuchi, Takako, 341n4, 347n5
De Forest, J. H., 384n11
demilitarized areas. See safe zones
Den, Makoto, 344n5
Denby, Edwin, 93
Denby, Jr., Charles, 93, 94
Denby, Mrs. Charles, 546n1
Densho (educational organization), 128, 135n3
Densho Encyclopedia, 135n3
Department of Cinema, USC, 166
Depew, Chauncey, 29, 372
Dern, George H., 311n8
DeYoung, M. H., 32, 370
Dillingsworth, Lt., 458
diplomacy, 229–247
diplomatic/education events, 579–580
diplomatic mission sent by Shogun Iemochi, 6–7
disabilities, 129–133
disarmament movement. See Washington Naval Conference (1921-22)
discrimination, 123–25, 139, 160n2, 384n11, 424, 509
documentary films, 267, 270n4, 524–25, 547n5
Doi, Michio, 213n2
Doi, Mitsutomo, 589n1
Dolls of Friendship: The Story of a Goodwill Project between the Children of America and Japan, 138, 160n2
Dome of the U.S. Capitol, 73
Domoto, Insho, 163n6
Domoto, Tomiko, 340n4, 347n5
Dotzler, Carl (Karl), 590n3
Doughty, Mrs. L. G., 352n6
Duchess de Rohan, 57
Dunn, James Clement, 286
DuPont, Mrs. William K., 348n6, 353n6
Durrach, Mrs. W., 318
Dyer, Brainerd, 95
Early, Stephen T., 286
East & West Meeting, 198–202
Easthampton Garden Club, NY, 349n6
Eavesdropping on Hell Historical Guide to Western Communications Intelligence and the Holocaust, 1939-1945 (Hanyok), 537–39, 549n7
Edgar Thomson Steel Mills, 33, 372
Edison, Thomas Alva, 190
Edoff, Mrs. Frank J., 352n6
Edo Inheritance, The (Tsunenari), 598n20
Education Conference, Pan-Pacific, 168–173
Education for International Co-operation, 173
Edward (King of England), 58n1
Egypt, Egyptian Museum, the National Library, Arabian Fine Arts Gallery, the Citadel, the Mosque of Mohammed, 447-448
Eisenhower, Mamie, 392n21
Eliot, Charles W., 61n7
Elliott, Mrs. Stewart, 353n6
Ely, Joseph B., 263
Emmanuel III, Victor, 22
Emperor and the Spy, The (Heifetz), 142, 455, 478, 482, 533, 545, 580
Emperor Meiji Shrine, 427
Englewood Garden Club, NJ, 349n6
English, Mrs. Robert P., 349n6
Enlai, Zhou, 545
Enomoto, Mrs. Ryuichiro, 341n4, 347n5
enthronement, 463, 486–492
Enthronement (book), 488–89
Enthronement Edition, 488–492, 504n1, 505n2
Eppley, Marion, 351n6
Escape to the Rising Sun (film), 547n5
Esperanto, 173
Espy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, 349n6
ETA. See Suiheisha Society
Ethiopia, 508, 527–28
Eton College, 11–12
Evening Star (newspaper), 29, 59n4, 372, 387n16
Evening Sun (newspaper), 526
Exchange Club, The, 481, 485n6
Executive Committee, Exhibition Advisory Committee, 345n5
Exile Shanghai (film), 547n5
expansionism, American, 23
Fairchild, David, 363
Fairfield Garden Club, NY, 349n6
Family of Nations broadcast, 62n7
farm communities, 301
Farrington, Wallace R., 306n6
Father of Modern Japanese Banking and Capitalism. See Shibusawa, Eiichi
Favre, Guillaume, 520
Faymonville, P. R., 458
Feast of Peach Blossoms (Doll’s Festival), 137
Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, 160n1
feudalism, 3
Field Museum of Natural History, 267
Fife, Mrs. Robert H., 318, 320, 348n6, 351n6
Fifteen Lectures on Showa Japan, Road to the Pacific War in Recent Historiography (Kiyotada), 506n3, 580, 593n12
Finley, John Huston, 225
first ladies, U.S., 392–93n21
First National Bank, 188
Fisher, Tony, 478, 481
Fishing Boat on a Dark Night (Buson), 158
Flame of Peace, 416
Fleisher, Benjamin W., 504n1
Fleisher, Mrs. B. W., 342n4, 346n5
Foch, Marshal, 262
Fock, D., 306n6
Fontainebleau Palace, 450
Forbes, W. Cameron, 397
Force, Mrs. R. C., 352n6
Ford, Alexander Hume, 304n6, 306n6, 309n7
Foster, Charles H., 546n1
Foster, John W., 61n7
Four Counties Garden Club, PA, 349n6
Four-Power Pacific Pact, 295
Four-Power Treaty, 75–77
Franca, Jose de Francisco de Horta Machado de, 80
France-Japan House, Tokyo, 570, 591n5
Franco, Afranio De Mello, 62n7
Frasconi, Antonio, 599n24
Frazar, E. W., 240, 241, 484n5
freedom of the press, 174–180
Freer Gallery of Art, 359, 382n3
French Consulate in Tokyo, 570
French-Japanese friendship, 570
Friendship Dolls, 137
Fuji, Chief Judge, 501
Fujita, Heitaro, 342n4
Fujita, Hisanori, 475
Fujiyama, Raita, 314, 342n4
Fujiye, N., 214n2
Fukui, Genjiro, 216n5
Fukui, Kikusaburo, 162n5, 163n6, 342n4
Fukui, Mrs. Kikusaburo, 342n4
Fukushima, Mrs. Kisaji, 341n4, 346n5
funeral service for Junnosuke Inouye, 498
Gallagher, Mrs. J. O., 352n6
Gallinger, Jacob Harold, 29, 30, 372
Games of the XII Olympiad, 408
garden, owned by Baron Iwasaki, 327
Garden Club of America (GCA)
additional history about, 353n7
commemorative books, 333, 336
delegates and their companions list, 348–353n6
Farewell Dinner, Kyoto, 326
General Committee members photo, 330–32
gift to Japan, 378
group photo individuals list, 339–343n4
leadership positions in the General Committee for Reception, 343n5
musical pieces, America-Japan Dinner, 337n2
Nijo Palace visit, 325
Photographic Diary, 317–332, 336, 337n1, 354–56n8
reception for visitors, 318
schedule of activities for delegates, 322–23
visit to Japan, 314–356
Yagi’s garden visit, 324
Garden Club of Oranges, East Orange, NJ, 351n6
Garden of Peace, Japan-British Exhibition, 36
gardens, Japanese
Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition, 191
created by Mr. Fujiyama, 314
Dr. Inazo Nitobe memorial, 574–78
Friendship Garden, San Diego, 583
Japanese-British Exhibition, 391n17
University of British Columbia, 574–78
Garrels, Mrs. Arthur, 342n4, 346n5
Garrett, John W., 80
Geddes, Aukland, 89
Gehrig, Lou, 405
gender equality, 126
General Gordon, USS, 540–41
GEO (Global Educational Outreach), 173
George, Lloyd, 449
George V (King of England), 22, 238, 250, 448
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, 434
Gigaku Mask, 152
Glessner, Mrs. J. G. M., 353n6
global economic depression, 230, 280, 294, 404, 441, 576
Godley, Mr. and Mrs. George McM., 352n6
Golden Gate International Exposition (1939), 412, 419
goodwill educational tour, 579
Gordon, Anna, 87
Grant, Ulysses S., 104–14
Grant Pine, 112
Grant’s Tour Around the World (Packard), 109–10
Grayson, Cary T., 528
Great Depression, 166, 250, 286, 300, 304n4
Great Falls Tribune(newspaper), 546n2
Great Kanto Earthquake, 119, 142, 437n1, 456–59, 483n3
Great White Fleet 25, 216n4
Greenwich Garden Club, CT, 350n6
Grew, Joseph Clark
American School in Tokyo dedication ceremony, 423
art exhibition assistance, 144
commemorative book, Garden Club, 333
Exhibition Advisory Committee, 162n5
feelings and compassion for Japan, 432–33
Garden Club gift reception, 378
Garden Club members photo, 330–32, 342n4
Garden Club patron, 343n5
Garden Club reception, 318
Helen Keller banquet, 130
honoring Montgomery Taylor, 421
International Red Cross Congress delegate, 519
Japanese-American Student Congress, 173
New York World’s Fair, 414, 416
Panay Incident, 428–432
personal history in Japan, 424–28
photo with Edith Roosevelt, 427
photo with wife, Alice, 425
relationship with Tokugawa, 421–433
Royal Couple reception, 250
tea with representatives after Garden Club gift acceptance, 334
toast, America-Japan Society dinner, 320
Grew, Mrs. Joseph Clark, 318, 333, 334, 342n4, 343n5, 425, 427
Griffith, Josephine, 351n6
Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. G. M., 351n6
Guardian, The (newspaper), 452
Gulick, Sidney, 139, 160n1
Hafford, Lida, 87
Hagiwara, Mrs. Junko, 346n5
Haile Selassie (Emperor of Ethiopia), 528
Hairenik Weekly (magazine), 218n9
Hale, Eugene, 29, 372
Hamaguchi, Osachi, 506n3
Hamarikyu Palace, 112
hanami (cherry-tree viewing parties), 362, 380n1
hanging scrolls, 16, 18n1, 155, 210
Hanihara, Masanao, 95
Hanyok, Robert J., 537–39
Hara, Hani, 72, 510
Hara, Rinnosuke, 214n2
Hara, Ryuta, 213n2
Hara, T., 63n10
Haraguchi, Mrs. Takeo, 341n4, 347n5
Harding, Warren G., 68, 73, 81, 87, 88, 93
Harper (civilian volunteer), 458
Harris, H.T.B., 30
Harris, Paul P., 229, 237, 238, 240, 247
Harris, Townsend, 104, 135n1, 176, 184, 225, 414
Harris Treaty, 135n1, 184
Hartford Garden Club, CT, 350n6
Harvard University, 146–159, 267
Hasegawa, Manjiro, 589n1
Hashimoto, Kansetsu, 163n6
Hashimoto, Kwansetsu, 154
Hatch, Mrs. Roger Conant, 349n6
Hawaiian Star (newspaper), 215n2
Hawkinson, Lily Oyzelle, 99n1
Hayakawa, S., 64n10
Hayashi, Kiroku, 72, 130
headquarters, Japanese Red Cross Society, 528
Hearn, Lafcadio, 132
Hearst, William Randolph, 298–300, 311n9
Heifetz, Jascha, 132, 142–43
Heiman, Suzette, 182n4
Heine, Wilhelm, 4
Hencken, Mr. and Mrs. William F., 350n6
Herald-Palladium (newspaper), 124
Herring, H.J., 95
Hibaya Park, 88
Hibiya, Heizayemon, 213n2
Hibiya Public Hall, Tokyo, 131
Hickey, Joe, 458
Hideyoshi, Toyotomi, 380n1
Hill, James Jerome, 190
Hindenburg, Paul von, 252
Hiraga, Jun, 115
Hirao, Mrs. Taro, 341n4, 347n5
Hirobumi, Ito, 21
Hirohito (Emperor of Japan)
death threats towards, 503
Dern visit to, 311n8
Enthronement, 463, 486–492
George V (King of England) and, 448-449
Grew and, 424
Keller meeting, 130
lineage of, 38
Lloyd George and, 449
MacArthur and, 474–75
mentorship of, 9, 439–453
Nagako and, 453
photo (1902), 443
photo in ceremonial robes, 487
Taisho and, 444
Tokugawa and, 289, 568
visits the Vatican, and is later thanked by a representative of the Pope Benedict XV, 446
visits with Prince of Italy Umberto II and with the King of Italy Victor Emmanuel III, 446
visits Egypt, Sphinx, Pyramid of Giza, 447-448
1921-1922 travels: The Crown Prince’s European Tour by Count Yoshinori Futara & Setsuzo Sawada, 448
Hirohito, Japan’s Compassionate Emperor (Isamu), 506n3
Hirooka, Yaye, 340n4, 346n5
Hiroshima Peace Memorial, 588, 600–605n25
Hirota, Koki, 310–11n8, 414
Hisamatsu, Sen-ichi, 589n1
History of the Pan-Pacific Union, A (Hawkinson), 99n1
Hitchcock, Frank Harris, 30, 372
Hitler, Adolf, 252, 434, 509, 521
Hitotsubashi University, 188
Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Gerlad, 354n8
Holland Olympic Summer Games (1928), 570, 591n5
Holland Tunnel, 31, 370
Holocaust, 537–39, 549n7
Honolulu Garden Club, HI, 350n6
Honolulu Star-Bulletin (newspaper), 121, 245, 303n2, 312n11, 484n5
Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Southern California, 165
Honorary Presidents of the Pan-Pacific Union, 306n6
Hooker, Adelaide F., 350n6
Hooker, Helen H., 350n6
Hooker, Mrs. Elon H., 350n6
Hoopes, Mrs. MacMillan, 353n6
Hoover, Herbert, 242, 250, 259, 274, 275, 276, 424
Hoover, Lou Henry, 259
Horikoshi, Zenjuro, 214n2
Horinouchi, Kensuke, 342n4, 344n5
Horinouchi, Mrs. Kensuke, 342n4, 345n5
Hornbeck, Stanley K., 286
Horses in a Field (Buson), 159
Hosaka, Junji, 163n6
Hosokawa, Moritatsu, 162n5, 163n6
Houghton, Mrs. Clement, 348n6
House of Peers, 91, 121, 508, 529, 572
Houston, Herbert S., 414
Houston Garden Club, TX, 350n6
Howard, Egme, 274
Howe, Mrs. George, 352n6
Hughes, Charles Evans
biographical note, 100n2
group photo, Washington Naval Conference, 68
Pan-Pacific Union and, 306n6
Washington Naval Conference and, 68–69, 80, 89, 95
Hull, Cordell and Mrs., 288
Hume, Mr. and Mrs. George E., 351n6
Huntington Wilson, Francis Mairs, 30, 372
Ichikawa, Beian, 157
Ichioka, Yuji, 127
Iida, J., 42
Ikeda, Seihin, 163n6
Ikematsu, Tokikazu, 347n5
Illustrated Catalogue of a Special Loan Exhibition of Art Treasures from Japan, 146–159, 161n4
ILO (International Labor Organization), 310n8
Imai, Gosuke, 343n4
Imamura, Mrs. Sakio, 347n5
Imamura, Sakio, 344n5
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo
America-Japan Society Dinner, 319
American All-Stars gathering, 406
Jascha Heifetz’ tour, 143
Lincoln Essay Contest, 115
luncheon honoring Mashbir, 468
postcard photo, 483n3
temporary American embassy, 456, 483n3
Imperial Household, 159, 163n6
Imperial Japanese Army, 500
Imperial Japanese Navy, 500
Imperial Regalia of Japan, 486
Inahata, Mrs. Jiro, 347n5
Independence Hall, 262
Independent (journal), 384n11
Inoue, Nissio, 501
Inoue, Saburo, 163n6
Inoue, Tatsukuro, 163n6
Inouye, Junnosuke, 490, 497, 501, 505n2
Inouye, K., 99n1
Inouye, Katsunosuke, 58n3, 382n4
Inouye, Mrs. Shin, 346n5
Inouye, Tadashiro, 468
inspection tour to Europe and America (1933), 280
Institute of World Affairs, 166
international arms limitation. See Washington Naval Conference (1921-22)
International Conference on Social Work (1936), 301
international cooperation, 272–77
International Famine Relief, 89
international friendship, 141, 165, 581
international gala events, 412–19
International Labor Organization (ILO), 310n8
International Near East Relief Association, 217n8
International Olympic Committee, 408, 420n3, 569
International Red Cross Conference, 507, 519–521, 523
International Red Cross Refugee Committee, 547n4
international shuttle diplomacy, 586
International Student Exchange Programs, 571
international trade, 280, 294, 304n5, 309n8, 576
Interpretation of the Life of Viscount Shibusawa, An (Obata), 213n1, 218n12
Introduction and Eulogy for Viscount Shibusawa from Tokugawa, 211
Inukai, Tsuyoshi, 63n10, 500
invitations, 463–66
Isamu, Kanaji, 506n3
Ise, Den-ichi, 163n6
Ishibashi, Tamenosuke, 214n2
Ishihara, Zensaburo, 342n4, 344n5
Ishiwara, George, 574, 577
isolationist movement, 435
Issei (first Japanese immigrants), 127–28
Ito, Jirozaemon, 342n4
Ito, Morimatsu, 213n2
Iwahara, Kenzo, 194, 213n2
Iwahara, Taku, 409
Iwahashi, Takeo, 129
Iwamoto, Yoinosuke, 214n2
Iwasaki, Koyata, 163n6, 327
I Was an American Spy (Mashbir), 455, 483n2, 533–34
Iwashita, K. T., 59n6
Iwaya, S., 214n2
Iyenaga, Toyokichi, 219n13, 227
Jacquinot A Forgotten Hero (film), 548n5
Jacquinot de Besange, Robert, 547n4
Jacquinot Safe Zone Wartime Refugees in Shanghai (Ristaino), 521–22
James River Garden Club, VA, 350n6
Janklowicz-Mann, Dana, 524
Japan-America Society, 580, 595n15
Japan-British Exhibition, 386n14, 391n17
Japan Committee of the International Conference on Social Work, 301, 313n12
Japanese (Inter-Allied) WWI Victory Medal, 43
Japanese Advertiser (newspaper), 490, 504n1
Japanese Amateur Athletic Federation, 410
Japanese American National Museum, 582, 599n22
Japanese-Americans, 384n11
Japanese-American Student Congress, 173
Japanese and the Jews, The (Kane), 511–15, 550–54n8
Japanese Art, 144–159
Japanese baseball card, 406
Japanese-British Exhibition, 35–37, 59n5, 373, 388n16
Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 188
Japanese Children’s Home (aka Shonien), 133
Japanese-Chinese conflict, 517, 521, 533–34
Japanese delegations, 386n14, 388n16
Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition, 189–191
illustration of (1872), 107
Japanese-British Exhibition (1910), 59n5
list of, 195–96
London Naval Conference, 275
Japanese Diet Declaration (1938), 508, 536–38
Japanese Embassy, in the U.S. 5–6, 18n2, 365
Japanese Friendship Garden, San Diego, 583
Japanese gardens
Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition, 189–191
created by Mr. Fujiyama, 314
Dr. Inazo Nitobe memorial, 574–78
Friendship Garden, San Diego, 583
Japanese-British Exhibition, 391n17
Japanese Government Railways, 408
Japanese Olympic Committee, 408
Japanese Olympics Committee, 569
Japanese Parliament, 68
Japanese Red Cross Hospital, 57
Japanese Red Cross of Hawaii, 245
Japanese Red Cross Society
assistance to Ethiopia, 527–28
assistance to Russia, 283
brochures, 518, 554–560n9
continuation of, 567
efforts to assist Allies during WWI, 53–54
headquarters, 528
International Red Cross Society, 507
Shibusawa and, 188
Tokugawa and, 92, 507, 516–521
Japanese-Russian relations, 295
Japanese Women’s Betterment Association, 86
Japanese Women’s Peace Movement, 86–87
Japanese WWI Victory Medal, 42
Japan Foundation, 564, 590n2
Japan Institute, 128
Japan Society, 32, 295, 370, 596n16
Japan Society newsletter, 527–28
Japan Society of New York, 278
Japan Society publication, Tokugawa’s speech to Lindberghs, 398–401
Japan Society’s Annual Dinner (1934), 32–33, 290–93
Jeanes, Mrs. Henry S., 350n6
Jenkins, Ralph, 546n1
“Jewish Question,” 509
Jewish refugees, 507–8, 525, 536, 540–41, 544–45, 547n4
Jews, 299, 507–15, 521, 525, 536, 538, 547n4
Jingye Asylum, 542
Jito (Empress of Japan), 380n1
Joan Kroc Institute of Peace and Justice, 579–580, 593n13, 594n13
John Paul Jones Memorial, 393n21
Johnson, Lady Bird, 392n21
Johnson, Mrs. Homer H., 352n6
Johnston, Mary E., 353n6
Joint Committee of Disaster Relief of Shanghai Charity Groups, 542
joint stocks, 188
journalism education, 181n3
Joya, Mock, 380n1
J-School. See Missouri School of Journalism
judo, 409, 420n3
Jusserand, Jules, 89
Kabayama, A., 341n4
Kabayama, Aisuke, 275, 341n4
Kabayama, Ayske, 162n5, 589n1
Kadono, Mrs. Chokiuro, 342n4, 345n5
Kadono, Tominosuke, 214n2
Kagami, Takeo, 344n5
Kagawa, Toyoshiko, 173
Kageyania, K., 53
Kahn, Otto, 142, 161n3
Kai-shek, Chiang, 209
Kaishu, Katsu
cautious approach to media, 63n8
Clark and, 20n4
Emperor Meiji and, 38
escort of Iemochi delegation, 6–7, 18n2
Hirohito and, 443
military influence on Tokugawa, 34
National Diet Library, 20n3
photo (c1890), 9
photo with Tokugawa (c1897), 13
portrait (c1860), 6
Red Cross delegation, 53
Tokugawa and, 9
Kakinuma, T., 64n10
Kamenosuke. See Tokugawa, Iyesato
Kanawha Garden Club, Charleston, WV, 350n6
Kanda, Naibu, 194, 213n2
Kane, Joseph Nathan, 511–15, 550–54n8
Kaneko, Kentaro, 87, 162n5, 215n4, 289, 595n14
Kanemitsu, Tsuneo, 163n6
Kan-in (prince), 440
Kanno, Kinnosuke, 213n2
Kano, Jigorō, 409, 420n3
Kanrin Maru warship, 6–7, 18n2
Kasumigaseki Detached Palace, Tokyo, 318
Kato, Kyohei, 343n4
Kato, Takaaki, 63n10
Kato, Tomosaburo, 69–72, 87, 95, 509, 510
Katsuda, Tetsu, 347n5
Katsura, Taro, 134, 566
Katsuta, Tetsu, 342n4
Katz Awa. See Kaishu, Katsu
Katz Awa “The Bismarck of Japan” or the Story of a Noble Life (Clark), 13–14
Kawada, Taka, 185
Kawai, Yahachi, 484n5
Kawasaki, Y., 63n10
Kawashima, Yoshiyuki, 311n8
Kazama, Mrs. Shichiei, 328, 347n5
KBS (Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai). See Society for International Cultural Relations
Kean, John, 29, 372
Keaton, Buster, 266
Keiki. See Tokugawa, Yoshinobu
Keith, Mrs. Joseph L., 353n6
Keller, Helen, 129–133, 136n5, 428
Kellogg, Frank, 274
Kellogg-Briand Pact, 273–74, 278, 303n1
Kempei Tai, A History of the Japanese Secret Service (Deacon), 495
kendo, 420n3
Kenilworth Garden Club, IL, 350n6
Keresit, Jacques, 248n2
Kikkawa, Motomitsu, 163n6
Kikuchi, Miya Sannomiya, 126–28, 135n4
Kikusawa, Suyemaro, 344n5
Kimura, A., 175, 236
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 120
King, W. L. MacKenzie, 306n6
Kingsley, Darwin P., 489–492
Kinoshita, Michio, 344n5
Kiyoo, Kawamura, 12
Kiyooka, Eiichi, 342n4
Kiyooka, Mrs. Eiichi, 347n5
Kiyose (representative of the Asahi newspaper), 388n16
Kiyotada, Tsutsui, 506n3, 593n12
Kiyotaka, Count Kuroda, 21
Kiyozumi Park, Tokyo, 334, 378
KleinSmid, Rufus Bernhard von, 166, 571
Knox, Philander Chase
1910 dinner event, 30
cherry blossom tree gift, 366
event honoring Emperor Meiji, 38
Pershing and, 38–39
portrait (c1910), 30
Sherman luncheon, 29
Shibusawa mission, 198
Tokugawa and, 372, 387n16
Kobayashi, Ichizo, 158, 163n6
Kobayashi, Mrs. Nobuko, 328, 347n5
Kodama, Kazuo, 482
Koiki, Kunizo, 214n2
Koizumi, Shinzo, 589n1
Kokusai Bunka (journal), 564
Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (Society for International Cultural Relations), 128, 144, 327, 564
Komai, Taku, 328, 347n5
Komatsu, Mrs. Takashi, 341n4, 346n5
Komatsu, Takashi, 144, 162n5, 344n5, 345n5
Komei (Emperor of Japan), 6
Komoriya, Chicuko, 115
Komura, Jutaro, 64n11
Komuro, Mrs. Mieko, 346n5
Kondo, Baron, 64n10
Konoe, Fumimaro. See Konoye, Fumimaro
Konoye (princess), 343n5
Konoye, Atsumaro, 92
Konoye, Fumimaro
Diet opening in Tokyo (1934), 531–32
essay contest judge, 589n1
exhibition advisory committee, 162n5
Garden Club patron, 343n5
House of Peers president, 529–533
international relations promotion with son, 535
“Prince at Princeton” article, 548n6
targeted by extremists, 493
Konoye, Fumitaka, 535
Konoye, Hiro, 239
Konoye, Hiroko, 592n6
Korostovetz, Ivan Yakovlevich, 64n11
Kosaka, Kris, 102n7
Kristallnacht, 536
Kroda, Kiyoshi, 589n1
Kumagaye, Taizo, 214n2
Kun, Tsao, 306n6
Kuninomiya family, 477
Kurihama landing, 4
Kuriyama, Mrs. Shigeru, 342n4, 346n5
Kuroda, Kiyoshi, 63n10, 162n5, 343n4, 345n5
Kurusu, Jaye, 341n4, 347n5
Kurusu, Mrs. Saburo, 342n4, 346n5
Kusanagi (sword), 486
Kushida, Manzo, 64n10, 343n4, 490, 505n2
Kuwaki, Ayao, 589n1
Kyoto Imperial University, 159, 163n6
LaBoiteaux, Mrs. Isaac, 350n6
Ladies Committee, Garden Club, 345n5
Ladies’ Committee in Kyoto, 328, 347n5
La Guardia, Fiorello, 416
Lansdale, Mrs. Philip, 353n6
Lansing, Robert, 203
Lapham, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G., 349n6
Lasker, Bruno, 304n4
Last Refuge: The Story of Jewish Refugees in Shanghai (film), 547n5
Lawrence of Arabia, 448
League of Blood, 496, 499–500, 505, 505n2
League of Nations, 73, 281, 424
League of Nations Association of Japan, 211, 239, 294
League of Red Cross Societies, 54, 517
Leavenworth Weekly Times (newspaper), 384n6
Lee, Arthur (Lord of Fareham), 89
Lee, Chin-Chuan, 181n3
lenders of art, 1936 exhibition, 163n6
Lenox Garden Club, New York, NY, 350n6
letter from President Harding, Washington Naval Conference, 82
Lewiston Daily Sun Journal (newspaper), 263
Liberty Bell, 262
Life and Adventure in Japan (Clark), 20n4
Lighthouse organization, 129
Ligne, Albert de, 274
Lincoln, Abraham, 104–8, 120, 587
Lincoln Centennial Association, 117
Lincoln Essay Contests, 115–120, 587
Lincoln Financial Foundation, Sumiko Tokuda Collection, 119
Lincoln Memorial, 587
Lindbergh, Anne, 395–403
Lindbergh, Charles A., 394–403
lion sculptures, 177–180
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 29, 89, 372
Loehr, Gustave E., 229
London Economic Conference, 304n5
London House of Parliament (color lithograph), 565, 590n3
London Naval Conference, 251, 275, 423, 466
London Naval Treaty, 230
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 267
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 27, 358, 381n3
Los Angeles Examiner (newspaper), 430
Los Angeles Herald (newspaper), 215n2
Los Angeles Times (newspaper), 103n9, 299
Lothrop, Mrs. W. S. H., 351n6
Lowe, Mrs. Herbert, 349n6
Lowell, Lawrence, 267
Lunete (river park), 363
MacArthur, Douglas, 288, 471–75
Machida, Tokunosuke, 214n2
Mack, Connie, 406
Mackay, Clarence H., 217n7
MacKenzie, N A. M. (Norman), 574, 577–78
Mackey, Harry A., 262
MacMaster, William, 194
MacVeagh, Charles, 99n1, 115, 138, 184
MacWhite, Michael, 274
Madison Square Garden, 32
Maeda, Toshitame, 163n6
Maeyama, Hisakichi, 163n6
Maki, Mrs. Kaoru, 341n4, 347n5
Makino, Nobuaki, 496
Makita, Tamaki, 163n6
Manjiro, John, 18n2
Mann, Amir, 524
Mano, B., 236
Maple Club, Tokyo, 402
Marchienne, Emile de Cartier de, 80
Mardis, J.C., 94
Martin, Mrs. J. Willis, 353n7
Martin, T. M., 458
Martino, Goacomo De, 274
Marvin, Dwight Edwards, 244, 248n2
Masaoki, Shinmi, 18n2
Mashbir, Donald, 483n2, 485n6
Mashbir, Sidney Forrester, 454–482
Allied surrender documents signing, 473
Exchange Club photo, 481
group photo (1937), 484n5
I Was an American Spy autobiography, 483n2, 484n4, 533–34
Jewish heritage, 545
keepsakes, 459–466
luncheon honoring (1937), 468
Pan Pacific luncheon, 468
Pan-Pacific Union, 309n7
personal papers discovery, 439
photo (1923), 454
Rotary member, 246
Royal Couple greeting, 250
secret private meetings, MacArthur and Hirohito, 475
Volunteer Workers American Relief in Japan, 456
Massey, W. F., 306n6
mass media, American, 298–300
Masuda, Meiroku, 114
Masuda, Takashi, 163n6
Matsubara, Yuriko, 341n4, 347n5
Matsuda, Genji, 318
Matsudaira, Mrs. Tsuneo, 179
Matsudaira, Raijyu, 529
Matsudaira, Tsunao, 72, 160n2
Matsudaira, Tsuneo, 141, 176, 179
Matsugata, Masayoshi, 58n3, 194, 382n4
Matsukata, Kojiro, 213n2
Matsukata, Mrs. Shokuma, 346n5
Matsukata, Shosaku, 164n6
Matsumiya, Mrs. Kazuya, 342n4, 347n5
Matsumura, Toshio, 214n2
Matsunaga, Yasuzaemon, 155, 164n6
Matsuura, Chinjiro, 138
Matsuyama, C., 63n10
Maus, Marion Perry, 194
Mayer, Louis B., 265
Mayer, Mrs. Louis B., 265
Mayer, Warren, 182n4
Mayezawa, N., 484n5
Mayflower, USS, 24
Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC, 288, 463, 464
Mazaki, Jinzaburo, 311n8
McArthur, Clifton, 194
McArthur, Miss (Women’s Peace Movement), 87
McCollum, A.H., 458
McCormac, Mrs. H.B., 353n6
McDowell, Mrs. William F., 87
McIntosh, Burr, 382n3
McIntyre, Marvin H., 286
McMillan, Mrs. J. William, 349n6
McNaughton, Mrs. Lynn, 354n8
McReynolds, Sam D., 286
media relations, 63n8, 298–300
medical care, 134, 566
Meiji (Emperor of Japan)
death of, 38, 374
Grant meeting, 112–13
Kaishu and, 9
mask gift, 152
medical care and, 134, 566
Meiji Restoration, 1–8, 187
photo (c1894), 9
Shibusawa and, 188
Washington and, 87
Meiji Constitution, 21
Meiji Restoration (1868), 1–8, 187
Meiji Shrine, 427
Memorial Hall of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 83
Memphis Garden Club, TX, 350n6
merchant class, 3
Metcalf, Mrs. Frederick, 352n6
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios. See MGM Studios
Mexican American War, 56
MGM Studios, 265–66, 298–300, 311n9
Michigan Garden Club, MI, 350n6
Michizane, Sugawara, 156
Middleton Garden Club, CT, 351n6
Midzuno, Kokichi, 32, 58n1, 213n2, 360, 370
Mihara, Mrs. Shigekichi, 346n5
Mihara, Shigekichi, 164n6, 342n4, 344n5, 589n1
arms limitation and, 74
China expansion, 434
Kaishu and, 15
Nazi alliance, 521
Olympic bid and, 410–12
Panay Incident, 428
Tokugawa against, 517
Tokugawa and, 283
Treaty of Portsmouth, 24
Tripartite Pact, 435
violence, 486–501
Washington Naval Conference and, 100n3
Millbrook Garden Club, New York, NY, 351n6
Million Dollar Train, 190
Milton Garden Club, Milton, MA, 351n6
Minami, Takajiro, 213n2
Minnesota (ship), 189
Miroku Bosatsu sculpture, 154
Mishima, Mrs. Hajime, 341n4, 346n5
Missouri, USS, 473
Missouri model of journalism education, 181n3
Missouri School of Journalism, 174–180
Mitchell, Edward A., 546n1
Mito Tokugawa family, 597n19
Mitsubishi Bank, 505n2
Mitsui, Mrs. Benzo, 341n4, 346n5
Mitsui, Mrs. Takaatsu, 342n4, 347n5
Mitsui Financial Group, 499, 505
Miura, Hajime, 341n4
Miwa, Mrs. Zembei, 341n4
Miwa, Zembei, 341n4
Miya, Mataichi, 342n4, 345n5
Miyaga, Michio, 131
Miyajima, Mikinosuke, 589n1
Miyaoka, Mrs. Tsunejiro, 341n4, 346n5
Mizoguchi, Munchiko, 162n5
Mizoguchi, Teijiro, 164n6
Mizuno, Kokichi, 32, 370
Mizuno, Mrs. Kyosuke, 341n4, 346n5
Mizuno, Toshikata, 259
Monadnock Garden Club, Boston, MA, 351n6
Money, Hernando, 29, 372
Montague, Mrs. Gilbert, 351n6
Morgan, Mrs. James F., 350n6
Morgan, Mrs. Randal, 353n6
Morgenthau, Henry, 204
Mori, Kanosuke, 577–78
Morimura, Baroness Ichizaemon, 346n5
Morimura, Ichizaemon, 344n5
Morinja, Miss (Women’s Peace Movement), 87
Morris, Roland S., 293
Moss, Robert F., 458, 484n5
Motley, Mrs. George, 352n6
Motono, Ichiro, 63n10
Mt. Desert Garden Club, New York, NY, 351n6
Mt Sterling Advocate (newspaper), 384n10
Mt. Vernon, VA, 267, 371, 387n16
Mukojima Park, 362, 383n5
Muller, Mrs. J., 347n5
Murakoshi, Kuniyasu, 321
Murayama, Nagataka, 164n6
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 144, 582, 598n21
music, Tokugawa’s passion for, 142
musical pieces performed, America-Japan Dinner event (1935), 337n2
Mussolini, Benito, 434, 528
Muto, Kinta, 164n6
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 220
Nagai, Asako, 341n4, 347n5
Nagai, Matsuzo, 589n1
Nagai, Mrs. Matsuzo, 342n4, 346n5
Nagai, Setsuko, 340n4, 347n5
Nagako, Empress, 130, 440–41, 453, 476–78, 520
Nagako Empress of Japan (Koyama), 476–78
Nagashima, Yoshiharu, 344n5
Nagata, Hidejiro, 397, 403
Nagel, Charles, 30, 372
Nagoya Castle, 407
Nagoya Museum of Fine Arts, 582, 598n21
Naito, Y., 53
NAJAS (National Association of Japan-America Societies), 595n15
Nakabashi, Tokugoro, 213n2
Nakamura, Teru, 342n4
Nakamura, Teruko, 347n5
Nakanishi, Rokusaburo, 68
Nakano, Buei, 63n10, 194, 213n2
Nassau Weekly (newspaper), 548n6
National Aspirations speech, 231–36
National Association of Japan-America Societies (NAJAS), 595n15
National Cherry Blossom Festival, 374, 379, 392n21
National Conference of State Societies’ Princess Program, 392n21
National Council of Churches, 160n1
National Diet Library, 20n3
National Security Agency (NSA) publication, 536
National Student Committee for the Limitation of Armaments, 93–95
National Tribune (newspaper), 384n7
Navohoff, 64n11
Nazi Germany, 434, 521, 525
Nedzu, Kaichiro, 213n2
Neill, John W., 574, 577–78
Netherlands, Olympic Games (1928), 570, 591n5
Neville, Edwin L., 311n8
Neville, Mrs. Edwin L., 342n4, 346n5
New Canaan Garden Club, CT, 351n6
New Deal Administration, 286
Newport Garden Club, New York, NY, 351n6
New Republic (magazine), 226
Newsom, M. Eugene, 240
New York Daily Tribune (newspaper), 26, 31, 367–69
New York Times (newspaper)
Columbia University visit, Tokugawa, 167
Dern and U.S.-Japan relations, 311n8
dinner honoring Tokugawa by Saito, 288
Garden Club gift to Japan, 334
Hirota meeting Roosevelt in Hawaii, 310n8
Hughes article, 100n2
international trade, Japan, 309n8
invitation to Roosevelt to visit Japan, 287
Japanese-American Student Congress, 173
Japan Society dinner, 293–94
Japan’s Olympics bid (1940), 410
Keller article, 130, 136n5
Lawrenceville, NJ visit, 530
Lindberghs’ reception, 396
luncheon given by Roosevelt for Tokugawa, 392n20
New York City visit, Tokugawa, 278–79
New York World’s Fair, 414
Nippon Club luncheon, 287–88
Oshima and Olympics, 410
photo, Tokugawa addressing Rotarian Convention, 231
Roosevelt luncheon for Tokugawa, 288
Roosevelt on Japan in WWI, 55
Taft on U.S.-Japan relations, 58n3, 382n4
Tokugawa and extremists, 493
Tokugawa arrival (1910), 442
Tokugawa’s death, 563
Tokugawa’s health, 562
Tokugawa’s radio address, 281–83
Washington Naval Conference, 70, 101n4
Wilson meets Shibusawa article, 203
New York Tribune (newspaper), 59n5, 386n14
New York World’s Fair (1939), 412
Nezu, Kaichiro, 153, 156, 164n6
Niagara, USS, 20n2
Nichibei Shimbun (newspaper), 127
Nicholas, Elizabeth, 352n6
Nicholas II (Emperor of Russia), 24
Nichols, Mrs. Joseph Longworth, 353n6
Niiro, Chunosuke, 164n6
Niiya, Brian, 128, 135n3
Nijo Palace, Kyoto, 325
Ninagawa, Arata, 53, 54–55
Nippon Club, 217n5, 287–88
Nippon Youth Assembly Hall, 137
Nishi, Mrs. Haruhiko, 342n4, 346n5
Nishida, Mrs. Ikutaro, 328, 347n5
Nishida, Rihachi, 347n5
Nishiike, Naruyoshi, 214n2
Nishimura, Ayako, 341n4, 347n5
Nishimura, Jihei, 213n2
Nishimura, Mrs. Kiyoshi, 342n4, 346n5
Nishimura, Shotaro, 216n5
Nishiwaki, Kenji, 164n6
Nitobe, Inazo, 280–81, 574–78, 593n10
Nixon, Richard, 545
Noanett Garden Club, Milton, MA, 351n6
Nobel Peace Prize, 34, 62n7, 66n11, 209
Nomura, Kichisaburō, 421
Nomura, Mrs. Yozo, 341n4
Nomura, Yozo, 345n5
Norimasa, Muragaki, 18n2
North Shore Garden Club, Boston, MA, 351n6
North to the Orient (A. Lindbergh), 403
NSA (National Security Agency) publication, 536
Numano, Y., 213n2
Oakland Tribune (newspaper), 520
Obama, Barack, 587–88, 600–605n25
Obama, Michelle, 393n21
Obata, Kyugoro, 213n1, 218n12
obituary announcement, Tokugawa, 590n4
O’Brien, Thomas J., 58n3, 382n4
Office of Public Buildings and Grounds (OPBG), 362–64
Official Welcoming Ceremony for American Friendship Dolls, 137–141
Ogden Standard (newspaper), 215n2
Ohama, Mrs. Tadakazu, 347n5
Ohashi, S., 64n10
Ohashi, Shintaro, 164n6
Ohtani, Kahei, 213n2
Oiwa, Isao, 342n4
Oiwa, Mrs. Isao, 342n4
Okabe, Nagakage, 341n4, 344n5, 589n1
Okabe, Viscountess Nagakage, 346n5
Okada, Ken-ichi, 318, 344n5
Okada, Ryuichi, 343n4
Okahashi, Jisuke, 164n6
Okamoto, Mrs. Suemasa, 341n4, 346n5
Okazaki , Masaya, 164n6
Okura, Kishichiro, 64n10, 164n6
Oliver, John D., 306n6
Amsterdam Games (1928), 570, 591n5
Nagano Games (1998), 569
Organizing Committee, 410
Sapporo Games (1972), 569
Tokyo Games (1940), 173, 408–12, 569
Tokyo Games (1964), 569
Onishi, Ichiro, 344n5
Ono, Hideko, 347n5
Ooi, Bokusin, 213n2
Ooka, I., 63n10
OPBG (Office of Public Buildings and Grounds), 362–64
Opening of Japan, 3
Oregon Statesman Journal (newspaper), 311n9
Orlando Sentinel (newspaper), 420n1
Osawa, Mrs. Tokutaro, 328, 347n5
Osawa, Tokutaro, 344n5, 346n5, 347n5
Oshima, Matahiko, 410
Osumi, Mineo, 421
Otani, K., 63n10
Otchiai, Kentaro, 64n11
Otsuka, Tsunekichi, 347n5
Outlook, The (magazine), 91–92
overpopulation, 438n6
Owen, Sydney, 215n3
Oyama, Iwao, 58n3, 382n4
Ozaki, Shinaye, 341n4, 347n5
Ozaki, Yei Theodora, 373, 391n18
Ozaki, Yukika, 340n4, 347n5
Ozaki, Yukio, 26, 32, 100n3, 367–370, 373, 385n12
Ozawa, K., 300
Pacific Conference, 304n4
Packard, J.F., 108
Pageant of the Ages performance, 326
Palmer, Frederick, 58n2, 381n2
Panama Railway, 19
Panay Incident, 428–432
Pan Pacific Educational Conference, 168–173
Pan Pacific luncheon, 468
Pan-Pacific Union, 99n1, 287, 304n6
Pan-Pacific University, 245
Paris World Exposition (1867), 187
Park, Maude Wood, 87
Parliament of Great Britain, 565
Parsell, Diana, 383n5
Pasadena Garden Club, Pasadena, CA, 351n6
Paul, Mrs. Theodore S., 351n6
Payne, John Barton, 286, 507, 519, 520, 546n1
Payne, Sereno E., 30, 372
Pearce, G.F., 89
Pearl Harbor, 56, 424, 436
Pendleton, Ellen Fitz, 267
Pennsylvania Avenue, 260, 389
Pepper, Mrs. Franklin, 351n6
Perkins, George Walbridge, 217n7
Perry, James DeWolf, 4, 293
Perry, Matthew C., 3–4, 334, 424
Perry, Matthew C. 3, 100n3
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 334, 424
Pershing, John Joseph, 38–39, 374
Phelps, Eleanor, 94
Philadelphia Garden Club, PA, 351n6
Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), 63n9, 270n3
Phillips, William, 286
Phoenix image, 504n1
Photographic Diary of the Visit of the Garden Club of America to Japan, at the Invitation of Prince Iyesato Tokugawa, May 13 to June, 1935, 317–332, 337n1
Photographic Diary of the Visit of the Garden Club of America to Japan at the Invitation of His Excellency Shigeru Yoshida May 10th to May 23rd 1961, 336, 354n8, 355–56n8
Piedmont Garden Club, Piedmont, CA, 352n6
Pierre hotel, 278, 303n3
Piscataqua Garden Club, MI, 351n6
Pittman, Key, 286
Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce, 33, 372
Pittsburgh Press (newspaper), 59n6
Place to Save Your Life, A (film), 548n5
Plancon, Georges, 64n11
Platt, Mrs. Charles III, 351n6
Poincare, Raymond, 22
politics, American, 27, 371
Pond, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, 353n6
Population Connection, 438n6
population stabilization, 438n6
Portland Garden Club, Portland, OR, 352n6
Port of Last Resort: Zuflucht in Shanghai (film), 548n5
Portrait of Tokugawa Ieyasu (painting), 18n1
Portsmouth Peace Conference, 87
Potomac Park, 363, 374
Potomac Tidal Basin, 374, 393n21
Powhatan, USS, 19
Presidio military base, 268
Prince at Princeton, A (Costin), 548n6
Pritchett, Henry S., 62n7
Prittwitz, Freiderich von, 274
Privy Seal (Gyoji), 502–3, 506n4
Problems of the Pacific, 1933 economic conflict and control proceedings of the fifth conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations (Lasker and Holland), 304n4
Proclamation of the Japanese Constitution, 21
Proctor, Mrs. William Cooper, 349n6
Prologue magazine, 437n2
Public Broadcasting Service, 143
Putnam, Mrs. Henry St. Clair, 353n6
Queen of the 1937 Cherry Blossom Festival, 379
Quezon, Manuel, 288
racism, 25, 115, 120, 434, 509
radio broadcasts, 62n7, 281–83, 286, 471, 520, 586
Radio City Music Hall, 282
Rama VI (king of Siam), 306n6
Reception Committee in Kyoto, Garden Club, 347n5
Reception Committee Junior, Garden Club, 346n5
Reception Committee Senior, Garden Club, 346n5
Red Crescent Societies, 517
Red Cross, American, 119, 546n1
Red Cross, Japanese. See Japanese Red Cross Society
Red Cross, worldwide, 89
Red Cross Conference, International, 507
Red Cross Hospital, Japanese, 57
Red Cross of Hawaii, 245
Remembering Ulysses S. Grant’s visit to Japan (Chida), 109
Reno Gazette-Journal (newspaper), 303n2
Report on the Visit of the Garden Club of America to Honolulu Japan and China in the Spring of 1935 (Davison), 337n3
Reznikoff, John, 505n2
Richards, Mrs. Theodore W., 546n1
Ridgefield Garden Club, Ridgefield, CT, 352n6
Riegel, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dewitt, 349n6
Righteous Among Nations Award, 541
Righter, Jane, 350n6
Rike, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H., 349n6
Ristaino, Marcia R., 521, 547n3, 547n4
Roanoke, USS, 19
Robinson, Joseph T., 286
Rochester Garden Club, Rochester, NY, 352n6
Rockefeller Center, 128
Rogers, Mrs. Fred F., 341n4, 346n5
Rogers, Will, 238
Roosevelt, Alice, 27, 358, 381n3
Roosevelt, Edith, 427
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 286
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
good-neighbor policy, 311n8
Hirota meeting in Honolulu, 310n8
International Red Cross Conference, 520
Keller and, 130
Konoye and, 530, 535
opening speech, World’s Fair, 415
portrait, 284
relationship with Tokugawa, 284–88, 360
Tokugawa visit (1934), 286–88, 376
University of Southern California and, 166, 571
World Fair invitations, 414
Roosevelt, Henry L., 288
Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore, 288, 376
Roosevelt, Theodore
discrimination in California legislation, 384n11
East & West Meeting photo, 198–202
photograph (1909) with his daughter Alice, 37
photograph of, 55
postcard linked to Russo-Japanese War, 24
relationship with Tokugawa, 358
Rotary quote, 237
Russo-Japanese War, 215n4
Shibusawa delegation, 198–202
Statement on Japan in WWI, 55–56
Treaty of Portsmouth, 24, 64n11
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. (Colonel), 217n7, 287, 376, 427
Root, Elihu, 29, 34, 62n7, 89, 258, 372
Rosen, Roman von, 64n11
Ross, Phyllis Gregory, 574, 593n9
ROTARIAN magazine, 239
Rotary Club of Tokyo, 240
Rotary International, 229–247
25th Anniversary Convention, 229, 242
50th Anniversary Celebration (1955), 246
commemorative stamp, 247, 248n3
Conference (1930), 229–241, 244
Rotary Peace Centers, 247, 248n4
Roth, Almon E., 238
Rothschild, John, 94
Round Eyes in the Middle Kingdom (film), 548n5
Rowe, L.S., 306n6
Royal Geographical Society of London, 590n4
Ruhm, Mrs. Herman, 354n8
Russell, Lindsay, 32, 370
Russell, Mrs. James S., 318, 351n6
Russo-Japanese War, 24, 65n11, 87, 198, 215n4
Ruth, George “Babe,” 405–7
Rye Garden Club, Greenwich, Rye, NY, 352n6
‘Safe Zones,’ 507, 519, 521–23, 540–45, 547n4, 586
Sagers, John, 215n3
Sago (Emperor of Japan), 380n1
Saionji (prince), 496
Saiseikai Imperial Gift Foundation, 134, 566
Saito, Hiroshi, 162n5, 275, 288, 310n8, 379, 535
Saito, Masako, 379
Saito, Miyoko, 288
Saito, Mrs. Soichi, 340n4, 346n5
Saito, Sakiko, 379
Sakaguchi, Heibei, 214n2
Sakano, Mrs. Tsuneyoshi, 342n4, 346n5
Sakatani, Yoshiro, 63n10, 184, 345n5
Sakonji, Seizo, 275
sakura. See cherry blossoms
Salmond, Sir John, 89
samurai, 3
Sand Hills Garden Club, Augusta, GA, 352n6
San Diego Japanese Friendship Garden, 583, 599n23
San Diego Jewish Journal, Holocaust Remembrance Edition, 545
San Diego World Affairs Council (SDWAC), 579–580, 593n13
San Francisco Call (newspaper), 58n1, 214n2
San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper), 215n2
Sankyo Company, Ltd., 216n5
Sarraut, Albert, 89
Sastri, Srinivasa, 89, 546n1
Satake, Sakutaro, 213n2
Sato, I., 42
Sato, Naotake, 64n11
Satow, Mr. and Mrs. Toshito, 266
Savamura, S., 53
Sawada, Mrs. Setsuzo, 341n4, 346n5
Schanzer, Carlo, 80, 546n1
Schiele, Sylvester, 229
Schiff, Jacob Henry, 222
School of International Relations, 166
Schroeder, Seaton, 546n1
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah, 362–64, 383n5
Scott, Byron, 178
Scott, Mrs. Arthur Hoyt, 335, 349n6
scroll paintings, 16, 18n1, 155–56, 210
SDWAC (San Diego World Affairs Council), 579–580, 593n13
Seattle Chamber of Commerce, 189, 191
Seattle Garden Club, Seattle, WA, 352n6
Seattle Times (newspaper), 120
secret meetings, 474
Secret Missions: The Story of an Intelligence Officer (Zacharias), 270n2
Seitz, Don Carlos, 223, 224
Seko, Konosuke, 341n4, 346n5
Seko, Mineko, 341n4, 347n5
Seko, Yasuji, 236
Sellers, Mrs. Howard, 350n6
Sellers, Mrs. William F., 353n6
Senate, Tokugawa visit, 27
Sengoku, Masayuki de, 29, 59n6, 372, 386n15
Sewall, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, 350n6
Shaker Lakes Garden Club, Cleveland, OH, 352n6
Shanghai Ghetto (film), 524–25, 548n5
Sharp, Mrs. W. B., 350n6
Shaw, Albert, 223
Sherman, James Schoolcraft, 29, 38, 372, 387n16
Sherry’s Hotel, New York, 199–202
Shibusawa, Baroness, 189
Shibusawa, Eiichi
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition trip photo, 189–191
Armenian Weekly article photo, 204–7
banquet honoring (1915), 219n13
biography, 211, 218n12
Chiang Kai-shek and, 209
Col. Roosevelt luncheon, 217n7
as delegate, 27, 213n2, 360
East & West Meeting photo, 198–202
Friendship Dolls event, 138
Grant greeting, 108
hanging scroll with calligraphy, 210
Harris and, 229
Harris monument unveiling photo, 184
Honorary Vice-President of Pan-Pacific Union, 306n6
letter from, 208
Memorial Foundation and Museum, 218n11, 581, 597n17
monument built for Grant, 114
photo with Taka Kawada, 185
portrait during Europe tour, 187
portrait photo alongside photo of Tokugawa, 183
relationship with Tokugawa, 34, 183–88
signer of letter linked to Enthronement Edition, 490
sympathy booklet, 63n10
toast at Portland, Oregon reception banquet, 194
Wilson meeting, 203
Shibusawa delegation (1909), 213n2
Shibusawa Memorial Foundation and Museum, 209, 218n11, 581, 597n17
Shidehara, Kijuro
anniversary salutations of Washington Naval Conference, 95
biographical note, 101n5
delegates embarking, 71
group photo, Washington Naval Conference, 68
Jewish magazine interview, 515
signer of letter linked to Enthronement Edition, 490, 505n2
U.S. State Department visit, 72, 510
Washington Naval Conference, 87
Shidura, Baron (possibly Shidehara), 386n15
Shimada, S., 63n10
Shimanouchi, Henry Toshiro, 128
Shimmura, Izuru, 589n1
Shimoda, S., 63n10
Shimomura, Mrs. Sen, 157, 164n6
Shimpei, Goto, 490, 505n2
Shinjuku Imperial Gardens, 130
Shinto shrine, 2
Shiobara, Matasaku, 216n5
Shiohara, Mrs. Matasaku, 341n4
Shirasu, Mrs. Jiro, 340n4, 346n5
Shitara, H., 59n6
shogun rule, 3–4
Shōhō Kaishō stock company, 188
Shonien (Japanese Children’s Home), 133
Shōnii, Second Honour (ritsuryō rank), 188
Shorey, Hiram E., 229
Showa (Enlightened Peace), 453, 486
Shrewsbury Castle, 251
Shubert-Garrick Theater, 89, 546n1
Shuster, William Morgan, 219n13, 221
Simon, Joseph, 194
Simon, Sir John, 62n7, 565
Sino-Japanese War, 23, 65n11
Smith, Mrs. Benjamin Hodges, 350n6
Snyder, Frederic, 173
Society for International Cultural Relations (Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai), 128, 144, 314, 327, 564, 589n1
Soeda, J., 63n10
Sohda, Kinsaku, 213n2
Soldiers of Justice and Right postcard, 44
Southgate, Richard, 259
Southside Garden Club of Long Island, New York, NY, 352n6
Soviet-Chinese Nonaggression Treaty, 434
Soyejima, Michimasa, 409
Spalding, Dora N., 351n6
Spanish-American War, 23, 74, 430
Special Bulletin, America-Japan Society, 118
Spirit of St. Louis, The (monoplane), 394
Spoerri, J. Fuller, 95
Stalin, Joseph, 435
Stars and Stripes magazine, 109
State Seal of Japan (Kokuji), 502–3, 506n4
Stead, William Thomas, 223
Stimson, Henry L., 274
St. Louis Garden Club, St. Louis, MO, 352n6
Stoessinger, John George, 544–45
Stokowski, Leopold, 142
Stone, Jr., Charles B., 268
stone lantern sculpture, 174–180
Stout, Mrs. C. Frederick C., 353n6
Straight, Willard Dickerman, 219n13, 226
Sturges, Mrs. Clarence B., 348n6
Sugi, Eizaburo, 162n5
Sugihara, Chiune, 541, 544–45
Sugita, Tei-Ichi, 58n3, 381n2
Suiheisha Society, 121–25
Sullivan, Ann, 133
Sumitomo, Kichizaemon, 164n6
Sumiyoshi, Kawamura, 442
Summit Garden Club, Summit, NJ, 352n6
Sunday Star (newspaper), 392n19
Suzuki, Mrs. K., 346n5
Suzuki, Shuji, 343n4
Suzuki, Umetaro, 216n5
Suzuki violin learning system, 591n5
Swartley, Mr. and Mrs. John, 354n8
Sze, Alfred Saoke, 79, 80
table medals, 42
Tacoma Garden Club, Tacoma, WA, 352n6
Tadamasa, Oguri, 18n2
Tadao, Yamakawa, 275
Taft, Helen “Nellie” Herron, 361–64, 374, 392n21
Taft, Henry W., 281, 293
Taft, Mrs. Henry W., 281
Taft, William Howard
Asia voyage photo, 359
East & West Meeting photo, 198–202
Inauguration photo, 28
photo with Helen Taft, 361
Prince Tokugawa and, 371, 387n16
Red Cross meeting, 546n1
Shibusawa delegation, 190, 198
speaking at diplomatic event, 58n3, 382n4
Tokugawa and, 27
travels as Secretary of War, 358–360, 382n4
Taisho (Emperor of Japan), 22, 24, 38, 289, 444, 486
Tait, David, 458
Tajima, Mrs. Shigeji, 341n4, 346n5
Takagi, Fujiko, 341n4, 347n5
Takahira, Kogoro, 64n11
Takaishi, S., 214n2
Takaku, Jinnosuke, 345n5
Takamatsu, Kikuko
Akihito and, 269
Berlin luncheon, 252
Country Life ceremonial clothing photo, 249
Detroit, Michigan arrival, 264–65
England welcome, 251
Executive Palace, Germany visit, 252
Garden Party, 318
Liberty Bell photo, 262
MGM Studios visit, 265–66
New York welcome, 253–58
Presidio military base visit, 268
Washington, D.C. welcome, 259–261
Takamatsu, Nobuhito
Berlin luncheon, 252
Butler tour, 167
Country Life ceremonial clothing photo, 249
Detroit, Michigan arrival, 264–65
England welcome, 251
essay contest judge, 589n1
Executive Palace, Germany visit, 252
Garden Party, 318
International Goodwill Tour, 249–269
lender of art, 1936 exhibition, 163n6
Liberty Bell photo, 262
Mashbir 1930 reception, 465
MGM Studios visit, 265–66
New York welcome, 253–58
Presidio military base visit, 268
Washington, D.C. welcome, 259–261
Takamine, Jokichi
anti-discrimination statement, 384n11
biographical note, 216n5
cherry blossom tree gift, 364
East & West Meeting photo, 200
Japan Society luncheon, 32, 370
photo (c1912), 365
Shibusawa dinner (1915), 219n13
Takao, Toru, 72
Takarabe, Takeshi, 275
Takatsuji, Narazo, 214n2
Takeda, Enji, 163n5
Takeda, Yenji, 343n4, 345n5
Taki, Kumejiro, 214n2
Taki, Takichi, 343n4
Tale of the Genji (Shikibu), 598n19
Tamamushi Shrine, 153
Tamura, R. Tsuyoshi, 345n5
Tamura, Shinkichi, 214n2
Tamura, Tetsusuke, 341n4
Tamura, Tsuyoshi, 341n4
Tanabe, Muneo, 574, 577
Tanaka C. Photo Studio, 131
Tanaka, Giichi, 490, 505n2
Tanaka, Hozumi, 589n1
Tanaka, Kotaro, 589n1
Tanaka, T., 213n2
Tanakadate, Aikitu, 169
Tan’yū, Kano, 18n1
Tauruta, Eiko, 115
Taylor, Montgomery, 421
Teat, Admiral, 546n1
Temperance movement, 102n7
Temperance Society, 92
Temple of Kunozan, 2
Ten Years in Japan (Grew), 130, 426
Terada, Jinkichi, 164n6
Terada, S., 64n10
Terauchi, Hisaichi, 63n10
Terry, Mrs. James, 350n6
Tetsudo Hotel, Tokyo, 409
The Gardeners, Pennsylvania, 350n6
This Rotarian Age (Harris), 237
Thomas, Mrs. James R., 350n6
Thomson, Polly, 129
Three Sacred Treasures of Japan, 486
ticker tape parade for Lindbergh, 394
Time Magazine, 277
Time Magazine 144, 143, 238
Times, The (London), 386n13, 390n17
Tingkan, Tsai, 89
Tison, Alexander, 278
Toda, Yashichi, 164n6
Togasaki, Kiyoshi, 345n5
Togo, Baroness Yasushi, 341n4, 346n5
Togo, Mrs. Shigenori, 341n4, 346n5
Tokuda, Sumiko, 117–19
Tokugawa, Hope, 288
Tokugawa, Iemochi, 5–7, 104–5
Tokugawa, Ieyasu, 1, 2, 18n1, 597n19
Tokugawa, Iyemasa
Armenian Genocide and, 206–7
biographical note, 592n7
commemorative bronze plaque, 583
Dedication for Japanese Garden, 574–78
dinner honored by Ambassador Saito, 288
diplomatic positions, 70
Fiftieth anniversary photograph, 572
fire-bomb of Prince Tokugawa’s home, 494
Hearst meeting, 298–300
honorary degree from University of British Columbia, 592n8
inspection tour to Europe and America, 280
International Conference on Social Work, Japan Committee, 301
Japanese Red Cross delegation, 53
Lawrenceville, New Jersey visit, 530
observing father receiving honorary degree, 165
official dress photo (1929), 573
photograph with Shibusawa, 184
radio broadcaster, 283
Royal Couple greeting, 264–65
send off luncheon for Prince Tokugawa, 576
Tsunenari Tokugawa and, 598n20
Tokugawa, Iyesato
affinity for the West, 11–12
American Pictorial delegation announcement, 67
American Red Cross meeting, 546n1
American School in Tokyo dedication ceremony, 422
arrival announcement, visit 1910, 26
art/cultural exhibits, 582
art exhibition brought West, 144–159
autographed card, 97–98
baseball and, 405–7
canned interviews, 386n15
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 258
cautious approach to media, 34, 63n8
cherry blossom tree gift, 366–370
Chicago and Pittsburgh visit, 33–34
Chicago World’s Fair, 404
Clark and, 20n4
condolence booklet to Allies, 45–52
constitution anniversary postcard, 21
delegates embarking, 71
delivering dedication to Grant at Ueno Park, 114
Diet Declaration (1938), 536–38
diplomatic tour (1933-34), 375
Enthronement Edition, 490
exhibition advisory committee, 162n5
Fiftieth Anniversary photo, 572
Friendship Dolls Ceremony, 137
- Roosevelt and, 284
Garden Club of America, 314–336, 342n4, 343n5
Grew and, 421–433
group photo (1937), 484n5
Harris and, 240
Harris monument unveiling photo, 184
Hawaiian reception, 245
Hearst meeting, 298–300
Hearst meeting at MGM, 311n9
Hirohito and, 476
Hirohito visit, 441, 568
Honolulu visit, 312n11
honorary degree from USC, 165, 571
honoring Montgomery Taylor, 421
Hoover and, 276
House of Peers selection, 529–533
human rights and, 104, 121–25
inspection tour to Europe and America (1933), 280
international shuttle diplomacy, 586
introduction/eulogy for Shibusawa, 211
Japanese-American Student Congress, 173
Japanese Red Cross Society and, 516–521
Japan Society of New York 1934 visit, 290–93
Jewish refugees and, 507–15
Kaishu and, 9, 13–15
Keller reception committee, 130
legacy events, 579–580
Lincoln Centenary Essay Contest, 115–120
Lincoln Essay Contests, 587
Lindbergh recognition, 355–407
lineage of, 1
luncheon given by Roosevelt, 286
Mashbir’s invitation response, 459
militants and, 493–503
music passion, 142
Nagako and, 440
Newsom and, 240
New York visits, 31–33, 367–370
New York World’s Fair, 414
Olympic bid (1940), 408–12
Olympic Games and, 569
orphanage visit, 133
painting (c1877), 12
Panay Incident, 428–432
Pan Pacific Educational Conference opening address, 169
Pan-Pacific Union, 99n1, 306n6, 309n7
Payne meeting photo, 507
photo (1934), 483n1
photo with wife and children (1918), 572
Pittsburgh visit, 59n6
portrait (c1867), 5
portrait (c1894), 17
portrait photo (1921), 90, 561
portrait photo alongside photo of Shibusawa, 183
Prince of Peace description, 526
promoting peace today, 581–82
radio broadcasts, 62n7, 520
Rotarian Age quote, 237
ROTARIAN magazine article, 239
Rotary International Conference, 229–241
Royal Couple reception, 249–250
safe zones and, 521–23
Saiseikai Imperial Gift Foundation and, 134, 566
send-off luncheon, 576
Shibusawa and, 183–88, 581
signer of Washington Naval Conference, 89
supporting Suiheisha members, 122
sympathy booklet, 63n10
Taft diplomatic event, 58n3, 382n4
tea with representatives after Garden Club gift acceptance, 334
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 296–97
Tomosaburo and, 69
U.S. State Department visit, 72, 510
visit to U.S. (1910), 26–37, 366–373
visit to U.S. (1930), 276–79
Washington, D.C. visit, 27, 371–72, 386n13
Washington Naval Conference and, 67–98
Western view of, 91–92
women’s rights and, 126–28
World Federation of Education Association, 168
yellow peril and, 63n9
Yoshinobu and, 17
youth and guidance, 5–8
Tokugawa, Kazu, 167, 441, 483n1, 568
Tokugawa, Kikuko. See Takamatsu, Kikuko
Tokugawa, Kuniyuki, 597n19
Tokugawa, Marchioness Yorisada, 318, 332, 342n4, 345n5
Tokugawa, Marquis, 318
Tokugawa, Marquises Yorisada, 591n5
Tokugawa, Mitsukuni, 597n19
Tokugawa, Muneyoshi, 164n6
Tokugawa, Toyo, 281, 297, 300
Tokugawa, Tsunenari, 592n7, 598n20
Tokugawa, Yorifusa, 597n19
Tokugawa, Yorisada, 332, 342n4, 343n5, 589n1, 591n5
Tokugawa, Yoshichika, 164n6
Tokugawa, Yoshinobu
cautious approach to media, 63n8
Clark and, 20n4
guiding role with Iyesato, 17
Kamenosuke adoption, 5
photograph, 186
portrait (c1867), 5
portrait with Iyesato, 17
Princess Takamatsu and, 250
Shibusawa and, 185–87
Tokugawa Art Museum, 17, 582, 597n18
Tokugawa Iesato (painting), 12
Tokugawa Memorial Foundation, 17, 582, 598n20
Tokugawa Museum Foundation, 17, 582, 597n19
Tokugawa Shogunate, 1–8, 17, 185–87, 380n1, 582, 598n20
Tokuzawa, Kenko, 340n4, 347n5
Tokyo District Court, 501
Tokyo Harbor, 473
Tokyo Imperial Household Museum, 163n6
Tokyo Imperial School of Art, 163n6
Tokyo Imperial University, 169
Tokyo Keizai University, 188
Tokyo School for the Blind. See University of Tsukuba School for the Blind
Tokyo Stock Exchange, 188
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 267, 296–97, 451
Tomosaburo, Kato, 69, 102n6
Topping, Mrs. Henry, 87
Torei Ningyo (Dolls of Gratitude), 139
Toyama, Motoichi, 164n6
Train, Russell, 259
Trans-Siberian Railway, 37
Treadway, Mrs. Lyman, 352n6
Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament. See London Naval Treaty
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation (1860), 6
Treaty of Friendship and Commerce (1930), 527
Treaty of Portsmouth, 24, 64n11
Tripartite Pact, 435–36
Triple Intervention, 65n11
Tsuchihashi, Kahei, 164n6
Tsuchiya, M., 59n5, 386n14
Tsuda, Noritake, 163n5, 343n4, 345n5
Tsuda English College, 117
Tsuji, Zennosuke, 589n1
Twenty-sixth Centennial International Essay Contest Commemorating Founding of Japanese Empire, 564
Uchida, Yasuya, 29, 281, 372, 576
Ueno Park, Tokyo, 112, 114, 406
Umberto II, 446
Umezono, Tokuhiko, 328, 347n5
Underwood, Oscar W., 89
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), 584, 599n24
United Nations, 584
United Press, 279
United States
American Legation, 135n1, 483n3
Civil War, 25, 104, 107–8, 116
embassy, 407, 455, 456
expansionism, 23
first ladies, 392–93n21
mass media, 298–300
official visit (1912), 39
politics, 23–25, 371
Red Cross Conference delegates, 546n1
United States Capitol Dome, 73
United States/Japan relations
America-Japan Society, 420n2
Dern on, 311n8
early engagement, 6–7
Harris and, 414
Knox and Pershing visit, 38–39
Lincoln and Grant, 104–25
Mashbir and, 459
Roosevelt and, 55–56
Russo-Japanese War resolution and, 215n4
Shibusawa and Straight discussion, 219n13
Shibusawa delegation, 189–203
Taft on, 58n3, 382n4
Tokugawa on, 293–300
United States Military Academy, 267
United States Naval Academy, 267
United States Stock Market Crash (1929), 230, 272
University of Arizona, 166
University of British Columbia, 573, 592n8
University of Pennsylvania, 262
University of Southern California (USC), 100n1, 165–66, 571
University of Tsukuba School for the Blind, 130
untouchables, 3
USC (University of Southern California), 100n1, 165–66, 571
Ushizuka, Torataro, 334, 345n5, 378, 409
Valadou, Joan, 570
Valentine, Myra, 351n6
Valley Forge, 262
valor (sword regalia), 486
Vandenberg, Arthur H., 286
van Karnebeek, H.A., 80
Vernou, Walter N., 286
Versailles Peace Conference (1919), 87, 426
Veverka, Ferdinand, 274
victory medals, WWI, 42–43
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 219n13, 220
Vincent, Elizabeth, 94
vitamin B1 (Orizanin®), 216n5
Viviani, René, 89
Volunteer Workers American Relief in Japan, 456–58
Volz, Yong Z., 181n3
Vories, William Merrell, 422
voting rights, of Japanese women, 126
WACA (World Affairs Councils of America), 593n13
Wada, T., 64n10
Wakatsuki, Reijiro, 275, 498
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 290–93
Walker, James, 255
Walker, Miriam D., 351n6
Walsh, J. M., 352n6
Walsh, Mrs. Edward J., 348n6, 352n6
War Council of the American Red Cross, 54
Ward, Horace B., 95
Warren, Charles B., 87, 264
Warren, Mrs. Benjamin, 348n6, 350n6
War Zone Refugee Relief Committee, 542
Washington, Booker T., 220
Washington, George, 87, 267, 415
Washington Monument, 363
Washington Naval Conference (1921-22)
acquired historical items, 96–98
additional details about, 70–85
American University students and, 93–95
against anti-Semitism, 508
articles, 101n4
continued study of, 586
foundation for, 68
group photos from, 79–80
Japanese general public and, 88
Japanese views of, 87
Jewish magazine interview, 509
militants against, 100n3
one year after, 95
Pan-Pacific Union, 99n1
photo from Memorial Hall, 83
photo of Japanese Parliament delegation, 68
Red Cross Societies comparison, 516
signing ceremony, 89
Tokugawa and, 67–98
Washington Naval Treaty, 251, 424
women’s peace movement and, 86–87
Washington. Presentation of the Japanese Embassy to the President and Cabinet, in the East Room of the Executive Mansion (Taylor; engraving), 135n2
Washington Times (newspaper), 516, 546n1
Watanabe, Akira, 164n6
Watanabe, Kwazan, 157
Watase, Torajiro, 214n2
Watson, Edwin M., 286
WCTU (Woman’s Christian Temperance Union), 86–87, 102n7
Webster, Mrs. Charles, 354n8
Weeders, The (Garden Club), Philadelphia, PA, 353n6, 353n7
welcoming toasts, Portland, Oregon reception banquet, 194
Wellesley College, 267
Welsh, John, 95
West Point (United States Military Academy), 267
“What the Japanese have stood for in the World War” (T. Roosevelt), 55–56
Wheeler, Edward Jewitt, 223, 228
White, Mrs. William B., 352n6
White, Mrs. Windsor T., 349n6
White Man’s Burden (Kipling), 25, 424
Why War? Essays and Addresses on War and Peace (Butler), 258
Wild West Show, Madison Square Garden, 32
Wiley College, 166
Willard hotel, 387–390n16
Williams, Francis L., 350n6
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B., 349n6
Williams, Mrs. Francis D., 350n6
Williams, Walter, 174, 178
Wilmington Garden Club, Wilmington, DE, 353n6
Wilson, Hugh, 535
Wilson, Margaret, 54
Wilson, Woodrow, 22, 54, 203, 237, 306n6
Winans, Mrs. Carlton G., 352n6
Winchester and Clarke County Garden Club, Winchester, VA, 353n6
Wirt, Lincoln L., 205–6, 217n8
wisdom (mirror regalia), 486
Witsell, Edward, 458
Witte, M., 64n11
Wolseley, Frances, 391n17
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 86–87, 102n7
voting rights in Japan, 126
Women’s College, 115
women’s rights in Japan, 126–28
Wood, Leonard, 306n6
Wood, Mrs. Erskine, 352n6
Woodside-Atherton Garden Club, Woodside and Atherton CA, 353n6
Woodward, Robert S., 62n7
Worcester Garden Club, Worcester, MA, 353n6
World Affairs Councils of America (WACA), 593n13
world economic depression, 272, 301
World Federation of Education Associations, 168–173
World’s Sunday School Convention, 92
World War I
aftermath, 101n3, 250
aid of France, 451
Japanese participation, 39–57
Japanese Red Cross Society, 516
Japan joins Allies, 21–22
U.S.-Japan relations and, 23–25
victory medals, 38
World War II
end of, 508
Hiroshima remembrance, 588
Holocaust, 549n7
Japanese American history, 135n3, 135n4
Jewish treatment, 509
Safe Zones, 521–23
surrender, 473
Tripartite Pact and, 435–36
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 484n3
WWI Alliance postcard illustration, 24
Yada, Mrs. Chonosuke, 341n4, 346n5
Yagi, Hiroshi, 324, 342n4
Yajima, Kajiko, 87–88
Yamamoto, Eriko, 127
Yamamoto, Isoroku, 275
Yamashika, Seika, 504n1
Yanagita, K., 63n10
Yasakani no Magatama jewel, 486
Yashiro, Yukio, 162n5, 589n1
Yasuda, Z., 63n10
Yasuda, Zenjiro, 164n6
Yata no Kagami mirror, 486
Yatsuta Maru liner, 425
“Yellow Journalism,” 298
“Yellow Peril,” 39, 63n9, 298
YMCA, 173
Yokohama Harbor, 329
Yoshida (musician), 131
Yoshida, Kazuko, 341n4, 347n5
Yoshida, Mrs. Shigeru, 332, 342n4, 345n5
Yoshida, Mrs. Tamotsu, 341n4, 347n5
Yoshida, Shigeru, 336, 354n8
Yoshihito, Crown Prince (Emperor Taisho), 444
Yoshino, Shinji, 414
Yoshitaka, Kimura, 18n2
Yost, Mrs. Ellis A., 87
Yuasa, Kurahel, 502
Yuasa, Mrs. Hachiro, 328, 347n5
Yukichi, Fukuzawa, 13, 18n2, 20n4
Yukiko (granddaughter of Tokugawa), 137
Zacharias, Ellis M., 250, 261, 270n2
Zero Population Growth (ZPG). See Population Connection
Ziemans (Reverend), 458
Zimmermann, Arthur, 56
Zimmermann Telegram, 56
Zojoji Temple, 112
Zumoto, M., 214n2, 219n13
Dr. Katz’s first book “The Emperor and the Spy” was exceptional and provided great insight into the US-Japanese relationship during the first half of the 20th century. The “Art of Peace” continues this story. As a student of history it’s been very eye opening for me to learn about Japan during this period and its diplomatic engagement with the US and the world.
This is a wonderful book that will almost certainly broaden your perspective on US-Japanese relationships. Its emphasis is upon the life of Iyesato Tokugawa, a Japanese leader who often worked behind the scenes to promote peace internationally by managing organizations such as the Japanese Red Cross and by mentoring leaders such as Emperor Hirohito. While it does convey this very convincingly with an impressive collection of photographs and quotations, it also does more – it shows you what a conscientious and careful researcher must do when he is searching for compelling information that has not received much public attention yet. Overall, an impressive accomplishment and a pleasure to read!
Review by: William Davison, President of the North County Chapter of the San Diego World Affairs Council, and educational organization.
“I find history a wonderful topic for filling in one’s understanding of humanity. It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words and indeed the arrangement of text and documents in this book is an extremely effective way of presenting information. It is more elucidating and on point then words alone could achieve. One can tell the author has put a great deal of research and effort into describing this overlooked aspect of American and Japanese relations. Back in my college years I had to do a presentation on this same subject, I only wish I had access to The Art of Peace back then.”